Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Twinterview with Neil Jackson!

I got to interview Neil Jackson from Make It or Break It over a series of direct messages on Twitter. He plays the very awesome coach Sasha Belov. MIOBI just finished it's Season Two here in India and we're all waiting with bated breath and fingers crossed to see if it will get a third season. You can vote for the show and actress Josie Loren for the Teen Choice Awards. Here is the twinterview!

Me: Is it hard doing an American show in American English while you're British?

Neil jackson: I studied hard to nail an American accent. It's like tongue gymnastics. The accents use very different muscles.

Me: Make it or break it - is that a mantra you would follow/follow? Do you believe in the all or nothing philosophy?

NJ: All or nothing is a losers philosophy I believe, as success come in many forms. Life is never that black and white.

Me: If someone did to you what Lauren did to Sasha, would you be as forgiving?

NJ: I personally would find it hard to forgive someone such as Lauren. But Sasha takes the higher road.

Me: Do you watch the Olympics? If yes, what is your favourite sport? What has the show taught you?

NJ: Not much of a sports spectator apart from boxing. The show has taught me that I like being employed.

Me: Who is the funniest person on set?

NJ: Anthony Starke (who plays Steve Tanner) is a very funny guy on set.

Me: I LOVED how Sasha handled Payson's crush on him. Did you discuss that with Holly and what is your take on it?

NJ: I think the way the writers dealt with the whole Payson crush was brilliant. Sensitive and caring. Was a pleasure to act.

Me: Do you think Sasha is the ideal man? Almost every girl who watches the show has a crush on him (The british accent helps!).

NJ: I can't say whether Sasha is the ideal man, but it's very flattering so many people appreciate the character and my portrayal of him.

Thank you Neil for being awesome and for the interview! :)